The Schlichter Arena
Comedy • Politics • Writing
Kurt Schlichter curates The Schlichter Arena, a community of people who like to hug and share feelings to lull their enemies into false feeling of safety before going off like a 50 megaton nuke. This is The Schlichter Arena.
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This weeks spread in Huskygirl magazine.

Likes: Walks in the park, steak (rare), digging holes in owners lawn.

Dislikes: Pesky little dogs.

Turn ons: Female Huskies or human legs. Sometimes anything that moves.

Turn offs: Dog food.

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Picture shows why Nancy Pelosi suffered shocking fall down marble stairs on Europe trip via

It wasn't her heels that made her fall, it was trying to walk on marble with cloven hooves.

No. Take no prisoners. Pardon nobody. Revoke and ignore Biden's pardons. Try them all. Hang them slowly so the tips of their toenails scrape the ground. All of them. From Russia Russia Russia to the deathvax to the 2020 steal to the 2016 attempted steal and the Clinton mafia. Hang them.

Trump says he would consider pardoning NYC Mayor Eric Adams

What a fucking joke. North Korea doesn't even make their middle finger to it's people this obvious. 2029. Let me guess, Jan 20, 2029?

I hope every person in congress dies of ass cancer.

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